"We must be strong and prepared and trust in Christ and his Holy Mother and be very, very assiduous in praying the holy rosary." ~St. John Paul II
Brief History of Roses for Our Lady

Fr. Thaddeus Bryl
The origins of Roses for Our Lady can be traced back to the late 1970s, when a group of lay Catholics under the direction of Fr. Thaddeus Bryl began the Radio Rosary apostolate in the Milwaukee listening area in an effort to foster authentic Marian devotion: "to Jesus through Mary." Individuals from that group desired to form a Marian organization to continue the mission of those initial radio broadcasts.
Roses for Our Lady was established and incorporated in 1980 by founder Fr. Thaddeus Bryl as an association of Catholic laity with the purpose of honoring Jesus and Mary through rosary processions, Eucharistic holy hours, and the celebration of the major Marian feast days. John Pryor was elected first president.
In selecting the name of the organization, Fr. Bryl explained that "the term roses in the name of the organization is to be understood in a metaphoric sense, not so much referring to literal flowers, but rather it primarily refers to the prayers of the rosary (roses) and other sacrifices that are offered to Jesus through Mary in reparation for sin."

Bishop Donald Hying
Regularly scheduled Holy Hours have always been important to Roses for Our Lady in order to increase love and devotion to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. The Holy Hours were initially offered by Fr. Bryl at Villa Clement Nursing Home's Chapel. Throughout the years the locations have changed to meet the availability of chapels and the spiritual directors. Today, in conjunction with St. Francis de Sales Seminary Vocations Office, the Holy Hours are held at Christ King Chapel inside St. Francis de Sales Seminary on the second Sunday of the month at 2:00 pm. This location was brought about through Bishop Donald Hying, our spiritual director from 2000-2014, who had been the rector of the seminary at the time we moved to this location. The Holy Hours consist of exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with prayers for vocations and respect life, the rosary for vocations, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, some time of silence, a scripture reading and reflection by the presiding priest or deacon, and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. A brief social immediately follows the Holy Hour. According to long-time member Kurt Keidl, OFS, liturgy coordinator for the Holy Hours: “True devotion to Mary is never an end in itself; rather, authentic Marian devotion always leads to a deeper, more personal relationship with Christ. The Mother always leads us to the Son. An example of this can be seen at our monthly Holy Hours. Authentic Marian devotion always draws us closer to Christ and leads to a more intimate union with Him.”

Mary Wdowczyk President 2003-2010
In our efforts to promote devotion to the Blessed Mother, we enjoy celebrating the major Marian feast days with special events. For example, on October 7, 2010, on the feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary, Roses for Our Lady sponsored a Mass at Immaculate Conception Parish in Bay View followed by a candlelit Eucharistic rosary procession throughout the neighborhood surrounding the church. The Mass was con-celebrated by three priests and the weather cooperated beautifully for the outdoor procession as many candles lit up the neighborhood while our voices lifted up to heaven in praise to Jesus through his Blessed Mother. Former president, Mary Wdowczyk (pictured), was clearly pleased by the success of the evening.

Eucharistic Procession in honor of Our Blessed Mother's Birthday
Another special event in which Roses for Our Lady takes great pleasure in is the September 8th celebration in honor of Our Blessed Mother's Birthday. This occasion has been celebrated at various parishes throughout the Milwaukee Archdiocese. For example, in the 1980's the celebration had been held at St. Josaphat's Basilica with a Mass con-celebrated by four priests in a sanctuary that overflowed with donated canned goods for the poor and flowers to honor our Blessed Mother. The Mass was followed by an outdoor candlelight procession that covered ten blocks in the basilica neighborhood and was led by Franciscan seminarians from Marytown in Illinois who carried the vara of Our Lady's statue.
In 2010, our celebration in honor of the birth of Our Blessed Mother began with a Mass at the seminary followed by a Eucharistic rosary procession along the beautiful seminary grounds and concluded with a birthday party, including singing and a birthday cake. It is a great joy to see many families with small children joining in this very special day in honor of our most Beloved Mother.
In 2010, our celebration in honor of the birth of Our Blessed Mother began with a Mass at the seminary followed by a Eucharistic rosary procession along the beautiful seminary grounds and concluded with a birthday party, including singing and a birthday cake. It is a great joy to see many families with small children joining in this very special day in honor of our most Beloved Mother.

Festa Italiana 2010
Every year since 1983, Roses for Our Lady has been invited to attend the Sunday Mass at Festa Italiana which is followed by a procession throughout the Summerfest grounds. Members of Roses for Our Lady pray the rosary and sing hymns during the procession and distribute hundreds of blessed rosaries to festival-goers The vara that is used to carry our five foot statue of Our Lady of Fatima was built by Roses members Tony Ciano and Peter Boyer.

May Crowning Procession 2007
The annual May Crowning on Mother's Day at the Archdiocesan Marian Shrine is without a doubt the highlight of Roses for Our Lady. This lovely affair in the height of spring includes a brief reflection from our spiritual director and a crowning of both the statue of Our Lady of Fatima at the shrine, and our own Lady of Fatima statue that is used for processions. It is the custom that children who have recently made their First Holy Communion attend the May Crowning in their First Communion attire. In 2014 we hosted our first-ever coloring and essay contest for First Communicants. The children were asked to draw a picture of the Blessed Mother and explain why they love her. The winning entrant was given the honor of crowning our statue of Our Lady. All of the children who attended the May Crowning in their First Communion attire were given a rosary blessed by Bishop Hying and had their picture taken with him. The crowning is followed by a Eucharistic rosary procession throughout the shrine neighborhood. The procession includes members of the Knights of Columbus and several religious orders of Sisters in traditional habits, as well as the faithful who attend the crowning. The procession is led by acolytes carrying the crucifix and candles, the statue of Our Blessed Mother carried on a vara, and children scattering flower petals on the path in which the rest of the processors will walk. But the highlight of the procession comes at the very end as the celebrating priest, covered by a baldachino and surrounded by the fragrance of incense, carries the Eucharistic Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ in a monstrance. This is truly the most beautiful and moving part of a rosary procession, the very sight of our Savior, Jesus Christ, being taken into the streets of the neighborhood where all those who are passing by can witness our love and devotion to our Lord. It is fitting that the procession begins with Our Blessed Mother and leads to the Son - to Jesus through Mary.

May Crowning 2010
Roses for Our Lady held its first May Crowning celebration, the "Annual Walk with Jesus and Mary," in 1981. Rosary processions carrying a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary during the month of May first began at the shrine site in the early 1940s, during WWII, when the Dominican Sisters of the Perpetual Rosary in the adjacent convent sponsored such devotions for the lay faithful in order to pray for peace. Crowds became so large that a permanent outdoor shrine was erected on the property next to the convent to accommodate all the faithful. Construction of the shrine was completed in 1948, dedicating it to Our Lady of Fatima, and rosary processions have occurred on this same site ever since. As the decades roll by, the intentions remain the same – to pray for peace. The May Crowning event sponsored by Roses for Our Lady on Mother's Day opens the shrine for other Marian celebrations to be held throughout the spring, summer and fall.
The year 2010 was the 30th anniversary of the foundation of Roses for Our Lady in the Milwaukee Archdiocese. With God's blessing, our members hope to continue our Marian apostolate well into the future.
last update: 1/1/2015
The year 2010 was the 30th anniversary of the foundation of Roses for Our Lady in the Milwaukee Archdiocese. With God's blessing, our members hope to continue our Marian apostolate well into the future.
last update: 1/1/2015

View Channel 58's television news coverage of the May 12th, 2013 May Crowning by clicking here.
On April 15th, 2011, Kurt Keidl OFS, and Anne Bender were guests on Bishop Donald Hying's New Heart New Spirit Radio Show on Relevant Radio (100.1 FM) which highlights life at St. Francis de Sales Seminary. Topics that were discussed were the history of Roses for Our Lady, the May Crowning, the Monthly Holy Hours, the Monthly Prayer Request for Priests and our own personal Marian devotion. Listen to the show by clicking here and then choose the April 15th show.
"Roses for Our Lady Celebrates 30 Years of Marian Devotion", The Catholic Herald (3-31-11)30-Year Anniversary article. (click on the title to read)
View Channel 58's television news coverage of the May 12th, 2013 May Crowning by clicking here.
On April 15th, 2011, Kurt Keidl OFS, and Anne Bender were guests on Bishop Donald Hying's New Heart New Spirit Radio Show on Relevant Radio (100.1 FM) which highlights life at St. Francis de Sales Seminary. Topics that were discussed were the history of Roses for Our Lady, the May Crowning, the Monthly Holy Hours, the Monthly Prayer Request for Priests and our own personal Marian devotion. Listen to the show by clicking here and then choose the April 15th show.
"Roses for Our Lady Celebrates 30 Years of Marian Devotion", The Catholic Herald (3-31-11)30-Year Anniversary article. (click on the title to read)
Enjoy videos of our 36th annual May Crowning and Outdoor Eucharistic Rosary Procession
made by Sylvester Markowski
Board member Sylvester Markowski made a short video showing some highlights of the
2014 May Crowning. Enjoy!
Board member Sylvester Markowski made a short video showing some highlights of the
2014 May Crowning. Enjoy!